A group for people in Europe struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating and who want support in overcoming food-related fears.

Navigate Nutrition with Confidence
Intuitive Eating Education & General nutrition support
Intuitive Eating Education
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating rejects the concept of dieting and restriction. Instead, it encourages a deep connection between the body and mind. With intuitive eating, you can learn how to make peace with food, let go of judgment, and eat with pleasure.
Through completing intuitive eating education sessions with Kristen, you will cultivate a balanced and individualized approach to nutrition. The sessions focus on promoting overall well-being and self-acceptance. If you feel exhausted from dieting and want to discover food freedom, these sessions are for you.
What do nutrition sessions look like?
After your complimentary 15-minute discovery call, you and Kristen will schedule an initial one-hour nutrition session. 30-minute follow-up sessions will follow. As you feel more confident with eating, we can move to monthly sessions. Scheduling depends on availability and the needs of the client.
During the sessions, you and Kristen will discuss your current eating habits, beliefs around food, history with dieting, and your health goals. There are 10 principles of Intuitive Eating created by Registered Dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Together, you will review the 10 principles, discuss which principles you would like to work on and develop realistic goals to meet your needs. Kristen will send you a review of what was discussed during the session, along with any worksheets, recipes, or research articles.
Are you ready to find peace with food?
Mindful Eating for a Mindful Life
General Nutrition Support
Kristen can support those who need nutrition guidance with​
Diabetes education
Abnormal lab values
Pre-diabetes (high glucose)​​
Sports nutrition
Cardiovascular health
What do nutrition sessions look like?
After your complimentary 15-minute discovery call, you and Kristen will schedule an initial one-hour nutrition session. 30-minute follow-up sessions will follow.
During the sessions, you and Kristen will discuss your current eating habits, nutrition challenges, and health goals. Together, you will develop realistic & and attainable goals to meet your needs. Kristen will send you a review of what was discussed during the session, along with any worksheets, recipes, or research articles.
You deserve to make informed decisions about your health.
Start your journey to educated nourishment today!